Brewer Spotlight: Rockbridge Vineyard and Brewery

Rockbridge Vineyard & Brewery
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Brewery: Rockbridge Vineyard & Brewery

Brewers’ Names: April Anderson & Parke Rouse

How long have you worked at the brewery?

(A) I’ve been working with Parke and Shep at the vineyard now for over a year, assisting with the last two harvests/wine making, all while consulting on the brewery operations and helping with getting their vision up and running.

(P) I moved back to the area to work at the vineyard in 2016 with the promise of starting a brewery on premise as the lure. We began construction in 2018, so it took a couple years!

How did you get involved in brewing?

(A) My brewing career was sparked “many moons” ago when I was in my early twenties. I attended events and festivals out west in California where I fell in love with the craft and ALL it entails! From there, I was luckily able to snag an assistant brewing position through my persistence and mutual hospitality connections at a brewpub called Blue Frog Grog and Grill in Fairfield, CA. 

(P) It started with a love for drinking a wide assortment of beer styles. That evolved into home brewing, and that evolved into commercial brewing (under the fine tutelage of April)!

Tell us something people don’t know about your brewery.

(P) I would estimate that between the production facility and the taproom, 90% of the construction was carried out by our amazing team here at Rockbridge Vineyard & Brewery!

What’s your favorite food and beer combo?

(A) I have quite a few fav’s, but one of my solid jamzzz is a fully “dressed” cheeseburger with a cold pint of crisp lager!

(P) There are few things in this world more enjoyable to me than a citrus-forward IPA with pizza.

Tell us about your pets. 

(A) My 14-year-old dog Achilles has been my sidekick n’ partner in crime since he was just a pup.  

(P) Fenton, my dog, comes to work with me and tags along with me pretty much everywhere. Arya, my cat, keeps my sofa, bed and chairs warm at home.

What is your favorite thing to do in the Shenandoah Beerwerks Trail footprint? 

(A) Pop in and visit my fellow brewing colleagues at their respective spots n’ drink tasty beer of course… wink wink!

(P) Going for a hike on any number of the gorgeous trails with my girlfriend Laura and my dog Fenton then relaxing at one of our local breweries with some delicious beer.

What’s the best way to spend time  outdoors in the Shenandoah Valley? 

(A) There are many ways to enjoy the local outdoors. I enjoy a leisurely drive along the Parkway, a hike to one of the many natural waterfalls, or simply packing a picnic to enjoy the scenic views w/ a tasty brew.

(P) Despite having spent most of my life here in the Valley, I will never tire of the hiking, mountain biking and fishing opportunities we are so fortunate to have on our doorstep.